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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The scarest doll in Rocky Ridge...

Yesterday morning my husband was leaving for work and almost fell off his motorcycle because someone left the scarest doll in Rocky Ridge by our flag pole. Normally this doll stands by a fence that goes on the other side of railroad tracks and at night when your head lights hit her... it can scare the crap out of ya. Well, someone stoled her and put her in our front yard. If you ever saw the movie "Chuckie" you'll know where I am coming from! Well...as always I had to take a picture of her but it wasn't at Night! Still...it really didn't help my scary feeling in my stomach as I'm taking the picture my daughter yells out the window, "DON'T TAKE HER PICTURE YOU KNOW THAT'S HOW SHE'LL COME ALIVE!" I took her picture and then put her in the trunk of the car to take her back to her rightful owner.