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Friday, July 10, 2009

Am I doing what God wants me to do?

Well. I guess that is the question, am I doing what God wants me to do? This blog is a bit different then others. Right now, I am trying to find out what I'm hearing god say to me. The truth or is it my fears, wants and needs getting in the way. Thinking about taking 2 families in. We know there is a chance this could end badly. So, I ask God, what shall I do. The right answer would be to stop questioning god and do as he says... Help others! If I have truely laid the gifts before god then how can I question him if he want me to use them. God, I have to lay something else down before you and that is my fears and my worries. Please take them an give me the resourses, experience and gifts to get thru this in a way that can change lives.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Char - this is a hard question to deal with but you must prioritize your life...God,Chuck,Kids, others, then self. You must first make sure that those God has given you in your home are not only fed and clothed but spiritual fed as well and happy. You can't forsake them for others. There's a balance that has to go on. And you also have to remember that you have to have your times of rest. Jesus himself went off to rest and be alone, quite regularly. These aren't things of fear...these are a reality.
And you can't completely discount fear because sometimes there's a level of anxiety that comes when you know something isn't where you are supposed to be or supposed to be doing. Best bet for you - get into a deep Bible study. Where are you tearing apart God's Word on a daily basis and it's focused on hearing God speak to you.