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Monday, July 6, 2009

I have been turned inside out.

Some amazing things are happening to me. I am finding myself in places where I am needed. My husband and I call them GPS- Gods positioning system. Sunday's service was awesome and eye opening. I have laid my gifts and experience before God. God do with it what u must! I am ready to follow u and your plan. God has a plan for all of us, we just have to listen. I needed to help Darcy and Steve get up off their feet and get housing, a job and get their kids back. So, I went to a visit with them and met their kids. They are beauitful little mircles. Darcy and Steve are so blessed to have them. So, I am working on helping them get their case plan done. Today, I was also called to my cousin's house to help get it shape because CSB was called on her. So, we spent 5 hours cleaning and hanging out and tommorrow I'm going to help advocate for her to make sure she keeps her kids. God is working a whole lot of things through me. Also we ended up helping a girl in our group get her car fixed. We gave her our mini van and we took her car to Nathan's to get it fixed. People in the group are going to help pay for the car. Amazing things are working all around me. I feel like I am the power strip and I am filling all my strips. God... I love you and I see your plan and hope I can be used to help in the ways you need me to.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!!!!