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Monday, May 24, 2010

Here we go again...

Well...it's spring time which means sunny days are on the way. It also brings about changes in my body. The last 3 to 4 weeks, I've had horrible allergy symptoms which is uncommon for me since, I don't have allergies. The last 5 days I've been in extreme pain and have fluid in my hands and feet. I decided today to go to the ER since, I can't ever get into see my Doctor. Plus, they can run all the test they need to at the ER, without me running everywhere to get them done. Well...they ran every test and came up with high levels of muscle enzymes. The ER doctor told me to go see my family doctor tomorrow and gave me some water pills and sent me on my merry way. So, tomorrow I will go to my family doctor and most likely end up no where. I've been going through this for about 5 years now and still end up in the same place. In Pain with no answers. It's weird how many people I know who are going through the same kind of symptoms as me. They too are ending up nowhere. If I found the reason behind why this is happening, I would be one rich women. I guess instead I'll just make my doctors all rich. Funny how life can be.

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