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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Tent City 2010

Tent City 2010. How could I go without having Tent City as one of my great stories. I can't just pick one story. There is so much that goes on at Tent City. So many Amazing stories that it's hard to find words to express the things that goes on at Tent City. This was my 2nd year and both years I end up with the same feeling at the end. I end up feeling like I got a little taste of Heaven. I know to people who haven't ever attended a Tent City ,might think that sounded a bit extreme but let me explain to you a bit about Tent City. When you enter into the Tents of Tent City something magical happens. You take off the mask that you wear and everyone gets to see who everyone else truly is. Guess what? Everyone is excepted. It doesn't matter if you have a job or not. It doesn't matter the color of your skin is. If your housed or unhoused. The only thing that matter is that we are all human beings created by God and for One weekend that's all that matters. People without food are getting fed. People who have been sick are getting treated. People without clothes are getting clothed. People are sitting down and taking the time to listen to the unforgotten. The man that is sleeping on a park bench or the man with the box sign begging for food or money. People are finally stopping and looking at them with Gods eyes and ears. Realizing they are just like us... human beings with a story to tell. Amazing Friendships are being made. People are realizing that one does truly matter. How could you not believe as you leave the weekend behind that you got a taste of what Heaven is going to be like. I begin my debriefing from this weekend and realize that this is the kind of community I want to live in and stand for. I want the hungry to be fed. The unclothed to be clothed. The sick to be treated. The unfogotten to matter. For me this is NOT going to be a once a year event that I get to take part in. This is going to be how I live my life everyday. I am going to be the change I want to see happen in this world. Can You do the same???

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